For the 2 weeks of the school holidays my family disappeared over the NSW/QLD border without me... they went visiting and I stayed home doing assignments - 5 of them to be precise. Funny, I thought I only signed up for 3 courses! Ok, I know it's not supposed to be smooth sailing all the way, but this is getting ridiculous. More importantly, is this a glimpse into the future of of what my remaining studies will be like or an aberration? I can only hope for the second option.
School has been back for a week. Oh, except for the pupil-free day on Monday, and Anzac day on Wednesday. Besides those times I have spent at least 5 hours in the computer lab on campus every day (my home 'puter just isn't up to it). BTW, did I mention that just becasue school's back, it doesn't necessarily follow that uni is too? Whose great idead was that?? Bet they weren't a parent with young kids!
The time not spent in the computer lab would be a good time to spend with the family... wouldn't it? Ha! Got you! 5 hours a week are spent in the local hydrotherapy pool, trying to help my
fibromyalgic body cope with what I'm currently putting it through. The rest of the time? Sleeping! No visits to my friend who'se just had a baby that I haven't seen since before she left hospital, no taking the kids to extracurricular activities, no TV, no time for my crafts (I promised myself that this was the year I would scrapbook once every week), no time for a bit of you-know-what with my hubby!
I still don't seem to be making much progress with my assignments! I don't know about these single, free, 20-somethings cope with it. Not only do most of them do a full-time study-load (mine's 3/4), but they go out, socialise, do the things that I remember doing in the long-ago time of my 20's. And some of them are even doing double degrees. I can't cope with thinking about more than 1 topic at a sitting. If I go in to work on ABC123, then that's all I'll work on, the poor brain can't cope with chopping and changing.
I'm now down to having 1 ongoing assignment and 3 set assignments, 2 of which have assessable progress checks in the next 2 weeks. Where am I on these? Nowhere near where I should be.
Is it just me or does this sound familiar to all those who have undertaken 'mature age' study?
It's not my first year, not even my first degree. I've been studying at Uni for about 7 years, at 3 different universities (portable family). I started with an Arts degree - philosophy, anthropology, psychology, sociology, linguistics, media studies, basic IT, web design and management, illustration, digital design, photography and I'm sure I've forgotten 1 or 2! No, I'm not a permanent student, just trying to find something I can do part time - because of my fibromyalgia, that is mobile - because my husband gets posted every 3 - 4 years, that I like - I spent 10 years as a tradesperson in an industry I hated and have vowed never to work again in a job I don't like, AND that I'm good at - so far, so good; is that so much to ask?
I've found it with graphic design. Ironic really because that 10 years I mentioned? was as a
graphic reproducer (printing industry; before the printing and after the final artwork has been created) But is my current workload which sees me sleeping twice as much as most other people and popping more painkillers and associated drugs than anybody should have to (especially at 40) an indication of what my not-too-far-down-the-road worklife will be like? If I'm forever 'catching up' now what will it be like then?
Somebody, please tell me how these 20-somethings do it!