Sunday, June 10, 2007

Blog visitors

As I mentioned in this post I didn't realise the counter I'd been using since the middle of the first part of the semester was as useful as tits on a bull. I therefore don't have many statistics to report from Sitemeter, which I joined on the 28th of May.
What I do have is as follows:

Further than this, my visitors have been primarily from Australia, with 9 from the US, 1 from Canada, 2 from Germany, while Brazil, Argentina, Sweden, Italy and the Philipines all provided me with 1 visitor apiece. Quite an ecelectic bunch, or is this range of country of origins normal?

Visitors found their way into my site primarily from my home page. Other entries were for the entry on penis splitting (3), Firefox (5), counter (3) and aesthetics (1).

The longest visit was for 144:32 and the second longest for 52:17, and they were both me, I know this because I am online with my blog at the moment, coinciding the the longest visit (oh, and I can see at the "who's on your site page"). 20 of the 36 visits timed in at 00:00.....

Disapointing, I'm glad I'm not using my blog for business purposes, as so many of the blogs I looked at from the Technorati top 100 list were.

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