Monday, May 21, 2007


The diffrence between Technorati and a search engine is in the way they search content. The Help in Technorati refers to this difference as live vs wide; the live engine is Technorati, whose tools cause it to be notified of new content as it happens. A wide search engine, such as Google, searches static, inactive material, occasionally searching for new content. "Technorati allows you to find out what people are saying about you, your company, your products, your competitors, your politics and, other areas of interest, on the Internet in real time." In addition to being places for people to use as diaries many blogs are reviews of current affair items - news, gossip and technology to name a few. On the Popular page there are links to show users the most popular links (from within blogs, I think) to sites about music, videos, movies, games, DVDs, news and blogs
I have Authority: 1 · Rank: 2,090,250 - Woohooo

In addition, Technorati allows you to save favourites within the program, different to a search engine whose pages can be saved in your browsers favourites

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